- Error executing SQL command in task. Error executing ALTER_REMOTE_SUBSCRIPTION_QUEUE with command: "ALTER REMOTE SUBSCRIPTION *** QUEUE. exception 71000256: QUEUE:SDI:***:
Failed to add subscription *** in remote source <RemoteSource_Name>: Error: exception 151050: CDC add subscription failed: RS[RemoteSource_Name>. Failed to add the first subscription.Error:
Replication Agent requesting Java Virtual Machine exit with message: Error while trying to register Initializing Repository with the bean manager - From framework.trc file, errors below.
WARN: "Failed to obtain initialization status for LogReader.Could not read in XLog system table because: while trying to invoke the method com.sybase.rep.cache.ICacheAccess.containsKey(java.lang.Object)
of a null object loaded from field com.sybase.ra.repository.Repository._cache of an object loaded from local variable 'this'"
WARN: "Exception occurred when closing LRU cache.Could not find Resource Bundle containing index: CACHED_REGION_NOT_FOUND and args=repository"
ERROR: "WorkerThread.processRequest [] - Failed to add the first subscription. Error: Replication Agent requesting Java Virtual Machine exit with message:
Error while trying to register Initializing Repository with the bean manager. Context: Failed to add the first subscription. Error: Replication Agent requesting
Java Virtual Machine exit with message: Error while trying to register Initializing Repository with the bean manager. - From remoteSource instance log file
FATAL com.sybase.ra.DpRepAgent Error while trying to register Initializing Repository with the bean manager.
FATAL Attempt to initialize the global cache multiple times. The global cache may not be initialized more than once.
FATAL com.sybase.rep.component.activity.InitializationException: Attempt to initialize the global cache multiple times. The global cache may not be initialized more than once.
SAP HANA Smart Data Integration
SAP HANA smart data integration 2.0
SDI, bean manager, remote source, Oracle , KBA , HAN-DP-SDI , SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI) , Problem
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