- Using keys "Shift" + "n" to type a capital letter into an SM_CRM text field or box while logged on in the Russian language triggers an unexpected shortcut.
- Using keys "Shift" + "n" to type a capital letter into an SM_CRM text field or box while logged on in the Russian language triggers the shortcut to create a new CRM document for ITSM or ChaRM.
- Using keys "Shift" + "n" to type a capital letter into an SM_CRM text field or box while logged on in the Russian language triggers a shortcut to an attachments pop-up dialog.
Solution Manager 7.2
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
SolMan, ChaRM, ITSM, , KBA , CA-WUI-UI-TAG , Tag Library , SV-SMG-SUP , Service Desk / Incident Management , SV-SMG-CM , Change Request Management , CA-WUI-UI , User Interface , CA-WUI , WebClient User Interface , Problem
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