- After provisioning users to IAS from SuccessFactors (through IPS), users cannot logon to SuccessFactors with a username and password. They use the forgot password link and get an error message on the IAS logon page:
Passwords can only be changed once every %{param0} hours.
Passwords can only be changed once every 24 hours.
- In IAS Troubleshooting logs with "WARN" Severity, you see error:
Cannot send Forgot Password Mail to user with uid <P_UserID>. Reason: PASSWORD_DISABLED.
- other factors are:
- SuccessFactors password migration to IAS has been configured Migrating Passwords from SAP SuccessFactors to the SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication Service (IAS).
- Users with the issue are existing already in IAS prior to running the IPS sync job.
- Users with the issue initially try to logon but their password doesn't work. They reset the password and try logon again. This is when the error is received.
- Identity Authentication (Target)
- Identity Provisioning
- SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite (Source)
Identity Authentication 1.0 ; Identity Provisioning 1.0 ; SAP ERP 6.0 ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions
IAS, IPS, SFSF, SuccessFactors, Source System, password, migration, Forgot Password Mail, Reason: PASSWORD_DISABLED. , KBA , BC-IAM-IDS , Identity Authentication Service , LOD-SF-PLT-IAS , Identity Authentication Services (IAS) With BizX , BC-IAM-IPS , Identity Provisioning Service (IPS) , Problem
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