You are facing an issue with the character encryption at different log levels.
You are getting different payload(with special characters for some of the characters) at different log levels.
When you run the integration flow with TRACE level you get the below payload : <Correct Scenario>
<emailBlurb> ......... no caso de não conformidade sinalizar através do ..........</emailBlurb>
When you run the integration flow with NONE/INFO/DEBUG level you get the below payload : <Incorrect Scenario>
<emailBlurb> ......... no caso de n��o conformidade sinalizar atrav��s do .......</emailBlurb>
SAP Cloud Integration for process services
SAP Cloud Integration, SFSF, tenant, Integration Flow, deployment, model configurator, properties, tracing, payload, NONE, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, log level, character, conversion, special, Portuguese, English , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-WT-IFL , Integration Designer , LOD-HCI-PI-OPS , Cloud Operations , LOD-HCI-PI-RT , Integration Runtime , Problem
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