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2958609 - repserver fails in OCS function ct_con_alloc() - SRS


Though the stack does not happen every time, the sequence of events which can lead to the crashed is:

  • There is a purge job that runs locally to the primary or replicates ASE.
  • Sometime, the job was missed at the replicates, which results in large number of duplicates when the data were re-inserted.
  • When the 2601 errors happen, the following steps are done to resolve the problem. 

When the DSI went down with 2601 error (duplicate record found):

  1. Turn off dsi_bulk_copy and dsi_compile_enable
  2. Set the convert command to i2di
  3. Resume the connection
  4. Wait for 10 mins
  5. Turn on bulk copy compile
  6. Set the convert command to i2di to none
  7. Suspend and resume

The crash could happened in at step 3 or 6.  The issue does not happen all the time, just now and again.

T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): Dumping memory trace.
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): ***************STACK TRACE***************
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): *****thread USER(sa)*******
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (linux_dump_all_func_stack+0x32) [0x8cbd82]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (dbg_dump_stack_noarg+0x31) [0x8f098d]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (dbg_dump_stack+0x164) [0x8f1cba]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (exc__appDumpStack+0x105) [0x6deda5]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (exc_terminate+0x20f) [0x6e2827]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (err_handle_client_msg+0x352) [0x6d0496]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (err_handle_ctlib_msg+0x1f) [0x6d06ef]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ct__error+0x53f) [0xa7c1ef]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ct_con_alloc+0x1ad) [0xa6794d]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (_ex_gateway_connect+0x16f) [0x727683]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (_ddl_gateway+0x2b7) [0x5b85d5]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ddl_exec_cmd+0x33d) [0x5c5105]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ddl_exec_cmd_wrapper+0x145) [0x5c5607]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): () [0x6fa71d]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (_ex_process_lang+0x7af) [0x703a75]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ex_lang_handler+0x525) [0x6e891f]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (srv__exechandler+0x83) [0xa2f873]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (srv__runclient+0x279) [0xa2fd29]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (srv__start_function+0x1eb) [0xa3455b]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): /lib64/ [0x7fbbfbe1adc5]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): /lib64/ [0x7fbbfab561cd]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): *****End of stack trace.****
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): Internal error. Attempting to produce a core file.
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): Thread USER(sa) infected with signal 6.
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): Dumping memory trace.
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): ***************STACK TRACE***************
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): *****thread USER(sa)*******
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (linux_dump_all_func_stack+0x32) [0x8cbd82]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (dbg_dump_stack_noarg+0x31) [0x8f098d]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (dbg_dump_stack+0x164) [0x8f1cba]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (exc__appDumpStack+0x105) [0x6deda5]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (exc_terminate_my_thread+0x144) [0x6e2b20]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (linux_catch_signal+0x39d) [0x54553d]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): /lib64/ [0x7fbbfbe22100]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): /lib64/ [0x7fbbfaa955f7]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): /lib64/ [0x7fbbfaa96ce8]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (exc_terminate+0x269) [0x6e2881]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (err_handle_client_msg+0x352) [0x6d0496]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (err_handle_ctlib_msg+0x1f) [0x6d06ef]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ct__error+0x53f) [0xa7c1ef]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ct_con_alloc+0x1ad) [0xa6794d]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (_ex_gateway_connect+0x16f) [0x727683]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (_ddl_gateway+0x2b7) [0x5b85d5]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ddl_exec_cmd+0x33d) [0x5c5105]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ddl_exec_cmd_wrapper+0x145) [0x5c5607]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): () [0x6fa71d]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (_ex_process_lang+0x7af) [0x703a75]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ex_lang_handler+0x525) [0x6e891f]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (srv__exechandler+0x83) [0xa2f873]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (srv__runclient+0x279) [0xa2fd29]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (srv__start_function+0x1eb) [0xa3455b]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): /lib64/ [0x7fbbfbe1adc5]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): /lib64/ [0x7fbbfab561cd]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): *****End of stack trace.****



SAP Replication Server (SRS) 16.0 SP03


KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , BC-SYB-SDK , SDK , Bug Filed

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