Though the stack does not happen every time, the sequence of events which can lead to the crashed is:
- There is a purge job that runs locally to the primary or replicates ASE.
- Sometime, the job was missed at the replicates, which results in large number of duplicates when the data were re-inserted.
- When the 2601 errors happen, the following steps are done to resolve the problem.
When the DSI went down with 2601 error (duplicate record found):
- Turn off dsi_bulk_copy and dsi_compile_enable
- Set the convert command to i2di
- Resume the connection
- Wait for 10 mins
- Turn on bulk copy compile
- Set the convert command to i2di to none
- Suspend and resume
The crash could happened in at step 3 or 6. The issue does not happen all the time, just now and again.
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): Dumping memory trace.
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): ***************STACK TRACE***************
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): *****thread USER(sa)*******
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (linux_dump_all_func_stack+0x32) [0x8cbd82]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (dbg_dump_stack_noarg+0x31) [0x8f098d]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (dbg_dump_stack+0x164) [0x8f1cba]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (exc__appDumpStack+0x105) [0x6deda5]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (exc_terminate+0x20f) [0x6e2827]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (err_handle_client_msg+0x352) [0x6d0496]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (err_handle_ctlib_msg+0x1f) [0x6d06ef]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ct__error+0x53f) [0xa7c1ef]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ct_con_alloc+0x1ad) [0xa6794d]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (_ex_gateway_connect+0x16f) [0x727683]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (_ddl_gateway+0x2b7) [0x5b85d5]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ddl_exec_cmd+0x33d) [0x5c5105]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ddl_exec_cmd_wrapper+0x145) [0x5c5607]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): () [0x6fa71d]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (_ex_process_lang+0x7af) [0x703a75]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ex_lang_handler+0x525) [0x6e891f]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (srv__exechandler+0x83) [0xa2f873]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (srv__runclient+0x279) [0xa2fd29]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (srv__start_function+0x1eb) [0xa3455b]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): /lib64/ [0x7fbbfbe1adc5]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): /lib64/ [0x7fbbfab561cd]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): *****End of stack trace.****
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): Internal error. Attempting to produce a core file.
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): Thread USER(sa) infected with signal 6.
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): Dumping memory trace.
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): ***************STACK TRACE***************
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): *****thread USER(sa)*******
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (linux_dump_all_func_stack+0x32) [0x8cbd82]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (dbg_dump_stack_noarg+0x31) [0x8f098d]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (dbg_dump_stack+0x164) [0x8f1cba]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (exc__appDumpStack+0x105) [0x6deda5]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (exc_terminate_my_thread+0x144) [0x6e2b20]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (linux_catch_signal+0x39d) [0x54553d]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): /lib64/ [0x7fbbfbe22100]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): /lib64/ [0x7fbbfaa955f7]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): /lib64/ [0x7fbbfaa96ce8]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (exc_terminate+0x269) [0x6e2881]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (err_handle_client_msg+0x352) [0x6d0496]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (err_handle_ctlib_msg+0x1f) [0x6d06ef]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ct__error+0x53f) [0xa7c1ef]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ct_con_alloc+0x1ad) [0xa6794d]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (_ex_gateway_connect+0x16f) [0x727683]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (_ddl_gateway+0x2b7) [0x5b85d5]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ddl_exec_cmd+0x33d) [0x5c5105]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ddl_exec_cmd_wrapper+0x145) [0x5c5607]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): () [0x6fa71d]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (_ex_process_lang+0x7af) [0x703a75]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (ex_lang_handler+0x525) [0x6e891f]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (srv__exechandler+0x83) [0xa2f873]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (srv__runclient+0x279) [0xa2fd29]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): (srv__start_function+0x1eb) [0xa3455b]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): /lib64/ [0x7fbbfbe1adc5]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): /lib64/ [0x7fbbfab561cd]
T. 20XX/11/22 00:54:22. (55): *****End of stack trace.****
SAP Replication Server (SRS) 16.0 SP03
KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , BC-SYB-SDK , SDK , Bug Filed
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