SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2958773 - No Report Data Available in Marketing Consent Report


When you access the Marketing Consent report (BUPAMARKETINGCNSNT_Q0001), there is no data displayed in the report


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Business Analytics
  2. Select Design Report view

  3. Search for the report BUPAMARKETINGCNSNT_Q0001

  4. Open and run the report

  5. No data available.


The reason the report "BUPAMARKETINGCNSNT_Q0001" don't have data is that there is no Account which has Marketing Consent.


To maintain Marketing Consent for an Account, follow below steps

1. Go to Account Management work center

2. Go to Accounts view

3. Edit an Account

4. Go to Marketing Data tab

5. Go to Marketing Consent sub tab

6. Maintain the Channels

Once you maintain the above data, the report will display the Accounts


Marketing Consent, no report, Marketing Data , KBA , SRD-MD-BP , Business Partner , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions