While performing the "Save & Submit" activity in the GSTR1 return app, username & Password popup keeps appearing multiple times even after entering the credentials.
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- HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC): SAP managed, private cloud hosting service for SAP HANA and its related applications.
- SAP Cloud Platform (SCP): Open business (cloud) platform provided by SAP.
- SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI): Integration platform for SAP Cloud customers which provides out-of-the-box connectivity across cloud and on-premise solutions. SCP is sometimes referred to as HANA Cloud Integration (HCI).
Digital Compliance for India all versions ; SAP Business Technology Platform all versions
GST, India, DCS, GSTR1 return , popup, credentials, username, password, destination, GSTR_APP_SERVICE , KBA , XX-CSC-IN-ST , use CA-GTF-CSC-EDO-IN-DC , How To
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