Executing the Cloud Integration Gateway (CIG) Synchronization, or the Interface Setup program results in the errors in SLG1 transaction:
The error is not reserved for the above objects - but valid for any proxy object related to the CIG integration.
- SAP ERP R/3 Integration with CIG Add-on
- SAP ERP S4 Hana Integration with CIG Add-on
Error when creating configuration; CO_SAPINFO_TO_CI; DT; object; HTTP; No access URL specified for binding; binding; logical port; synchronization; CIG; Sync; SAP Information; , KBA , BNS-ARI-CI-AN , Managed Gateway for Business Network , BNS-ARI-CI-BUY , Managed Gateway for Procurement , BNS-ARI-CI-MID , Managed Gateway connectivity using Middleware , BNS-ARI-CI-SRC , Managed Gateway for Sourcing Integration , Problem
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