How to configure SuccessFactors SMTP mail connector in Boomi?
Boomi Platform
You can connect to the SuccessFactors mail server to send email notifications using Mail Connectors only if:
- You have purchased the Boomi Platform license via SAP.
- You are using an SF-hosted cloud Atom to execute your Boomi processes (Custom Process or Standard Package).
How can you configure Mail Connectors for custom Boomi processes?
- While configuring Mail Connectors' connection, you only need to configure the "Host" and "Port" fields.
- Port would always be 25.
- Endpoint for Host can be found in KBA 2257038 for each Data Center. However, the recommendation would be to leave the Host field blank (do not maintain any endpoint). As SF Mail endpoints are only supported for SF-hosted cloud Atoms, the routing to the correct host would be handled internally by the SF Atom server.
- Path to edit this setting: Manage > Process Reporting > gear symbol > View process > Mail Connector
Settings in a new Mail Connector:
- Also, if you have set Mail Connectors in the Environment Extension, inside Atom settings, you need to configure the same settings there. As Environment Extension configuration overrides Boomi process configuration, this needs to be verified to make sure your existing process execution does not stop.
- Path to Environment Extension: Manage > Atom Management > Atoms name (the one beside the arrow symbol) > Environment Extension > Search for Mail Connector
How can you configure Mail Connectors for standard packages provided by SAP?
- Standard packages are the ones for which you cannot customize the content. You can only configure the connection in Environment Extension based on your data center.
- No change or configuration is required by customers for Mail Connector as the configuration is pre-delivered with the package.
- Do not maintain IP addresses for Host in Mail Connections.
- You can use the current active hostname from KBA 2257038 but do not use deprecated endpoints from this KBA.
See Also
SMTP, Mail server Boomi, Could not connect to SMTP host, Connection timed out , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-BPI , Dell & Boomi Infrastructure , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , Problem
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