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2960607 - Runtime error IMPORT_FORMAT_ERROR with Exception CX_SY_IMPORT_FORMAT_ERROR


  • An IMPORT_FORMAT_ERROR dump is being received with the following information:

    Category ABAP Programming Error
    Runtime Errors IMPORT_FORMAT_ERROR


    |Short Text 
    | Format error with IMPORT. 


    |Error analysis 
    | An exception has occurred which is explained in more detail below. The 
    | exception is assigned to class 'CX_SY_IMPORT_FORMAT_ERROR' and was not caught 
    | in procedure 
    | "LIST_GET_PROPERTIES" "(FUNCTION)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING clause. 
    | Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated this 
    | exception, the current program was terminated. 
    | The reason for the exception is: 
    | When attempting to IMPORT the object "LIST_LINES", there was a format error. 
    | Unable to read an IMPORT dataset.
    | The dataset may have been processed using SQL and is 
    | thus no longer readable for the IMPORT. 

    |Information on where terminated 
    | The termination occurred in ABAP program "SAPLSLST", in "LIST_GET_PROPERTIES". 

    |Source Code Extract |
    |Line |SourceCde |
    | | perform correct_rfcsize tables listobject using update.
    | | IMPORT list_pages = list_pages FROM INTERNAL TABLE listobject.
    |>>>>>| CLEAR listobject.
    | | listobject-rfcsize = new_format.
    | | INSERT listobject INDEX 1.
    | | READ TABLE list_pages INDEX 1.
    | | ELSE.



  • SAP NetWeaver release independent
  • SAP Kernel 753 PL 500 


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