User wants to have only one Shelf Life Expiration Date per storage bin for the same product/batch, even if different batches are allowed in the same storage bin.
Put the value "1 - Not allowed" for the field "Quant Addn to Stock Shelf Life Expir. Date Storage Bin/HU" in storage type Master Data. Customizing path in SPRO transaction:
SCM Extended Warehouse Management -> Extended Warehouse Management -> Master Data -> Define Storage Type
When create a HU warehouse task with different SLED value for a product/batch already inside the destination storage bin, the movement is allowed and the warehouse task can be created and confirmed.
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SCM-EWM)
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management Warehouse Order Processing (SCM-EWM-WOP)
shelf-life, putaway, validity, /SCWM/QUAN, /LIME/NQUAN, SLED , KBA , SCM-EWM-WOP , Warehouse Order Processing , Problem
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