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2963251 - Error: An MDCI Implementation (From Business Object EST_EMPLOYEE_WORK_CALENDAR) Has Rejected The Save


You are unable to terminate an employee. You receive three error messages at different stages. After searching for employee in Regular Tasks view > Terminate Relationship with Employee you see the following message: Employee has multiple work agreements; specify last working day. Since you are unable to confirm that the employee has multiple work agreements, you ignore the first message and you are trying to terminate the employee. Then the second and third error occurs. Errors:

Error 2: An MDCI implementation (from business object EST_EMPLOYEE_WORK_CALENDAR) has rejected the save.

Error 3: Availability period cannot be created; work agreement exists for DD.MM.YYYY - DD.MM.YYYY.



SAP Business ByDesign


SAP Business ByDesign 2005


Eine Implem. d. StammdatenändSchnittst. hat Sicher. abgelehnt, Verfügbarkeitszeitraum nicht anlegbar, Arbeitsvertrag vorhanden, work agreement exists, availability period, GO EST_EMPLOYEE_WORK_CALENDAR, , KBA , SRD-HR-TLM , Time and Labour Management , Problem

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