You would like to add the Pricing tab to the Opportunity TI, but it does not work as expected.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Sales work center.
- Go to the Opportunity view.
- Open any Opportunity of type XYZ (XYZ stand for the document type).
- Go to the Products facet.
- Go to the Adaptation mode.
- The Pricing tab is visible.
- Observe: You are not able to add the Pricing tab to the Opportunity.
a) The opportunity document type XYZ is either not marked for Internal pricing or marked for pricing, but this was set up after the (which stands for the latest creation date of an opportunity in the system). None of the opportunities in the system was created with pricing switched on. So none of the existing opportunities has a pricing document linked.
b) This pricing document is pre-condition to be able to see the pricing facet in the UI.
c) When the key user is in adaptation mode, all theoretically possible fields/facets are shown. This enables the user to handle them. Nevertheless, the visibility of certain fields/facets (shown to the user after adaptation) depends on concrete document and system data. In this case, the not-existing pricing document prevents the display of the pricing facet.
Create a new opportunity with pricing switched on for the document type and assign a product to it (another condition) so the facet will show up (if enabled in adaptation). These two conditions (switched on pricing for the document type add product) must be met.
Pricing facet, document type, opportunity, switched on pricing, adaptation , KBA , LOD-CRM-OPP , Opportunity Management , How To