Installation of SAP Data Intelligence using SLC Bridge in a Kubernetes Cluster without Internet Access fails during the Check Point Storage Validation phase.
INFO cmd/cmd.go:243 1> 2020-08-25T10:18:32+0000 [INFO] Checking connection...
INFO cmd/cmd.go:243 1> File info:
INFO cmd/cmd.go:243 1> directory size modification time name
INFO cmd/cmd.go:243 1> true n/a n/a
INFO cmd/cmd.go:243 1> 2020-08-25T10:18:33+0000 [INFO] Checking permissions...
INFO cmd/cmd.go:243 1> Cannot create directory checkpoints-tmp: Access denied to file/directory 'unknown path'. Access Denied.
- SAP Data Intelligence (DI) 3.0
- Amazon AWS
KBA , CA-DI-DH , DI – Data Hub: Please use CA-DI instead. , Problem
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