In SAPGUI for Windows (also known as WinGUI), no matter which GUI theme is in use, ICON_<color>_LIGHT and ICON_LIGHT_OUT are displayed with traffic lights as below:
In SAPGUI for HTML (also known as WebGUI), when using some traditional themes, e.g. Blue Crystal, Corbu, ICON_<color>_LIGHT and ICON_LIGHT_OUT are displayed with traffic lights as same as WinGUI. When using newer themes, e.g. Belize or Quartz, the image of ICON_<color>_LIGHT and ICON_LIGHT_OUT are different as shown in below screenshots:
Another difference can be found with ICON_LED* icons. In WinGUI the icons are displayed as:
The same ICON_LED* icons are displayed in WebGUI as:
Belize theme, Quartz, webgui, theme, icon, ICON_GREEN_LIGHT, ICON_YELLOW_LIGHT, ICON_RED_LIGHT, ICON_LIGHT_OUT , KBA , icon_led_green , icon_led_red , icon_led_yellow , go , ok , caution , stop , errors , undefined , @eb@ , semaphore , BC-FES-WGU , SAP GUI for HTML , Problem
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