More information is needed about the use of PDFPRINT Mono type Font Printing as described in SAP Note 2959085 - "Asian Fonts in PDF documents are not printed correctly".
- SAP Business By Design
- SAP Cloud for Customer
- SAP Cloud Print Manager 760 Patch 5
- SAP Cloud Print Manager for ByD 760 Patch 5
- SAP Cloud Print Manager for SCP 760 Patch 2
- SAPSprint 760 Patch 5
- SAP GUI 760 Patch 8
With release 760 the above products contain PDFPRINT from Aspose. Contrary to the 750 releases with PDFPRINT from Adobe, no Asian font package is included in the installation.
- Download and install the Monotype Fonts for Printing package from Mono Type Fonts for Printing
After the installation, the font package is deployed in directory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SAP Shared\Fonts'.
Then, restart OS machine to make it work. - The usage of the font package should be switched on in each options dialog of the appropriate product with the below patch levels:
- SAP Cloud Print Manager 760 Patch 5
- SAP Cloud Print Manager for ByD 760 Patch 5
- SAP Cloud Print Manager for SCP 760 Patch 2
- SAPSprint 760 Patch 5
- SAP GUI 760 Patch 8
Here are the example images where to enable the use of font package in each product:
SAP Cloud Print Manager:
SAPSprint and SAP GUI:
See Also
2959085 - Asian Fonts in PDF documents are not printed correctly
2960858 - Mono type Font Printing
2812239 - Unexpected font replacement when printing with SAPPDFPrint
Font Substitution, Asian Fonts, PDFPRINT, CPM, SAPSprint, SAPGUI , KBA , BC-CCM-PRN , Print and Output Management , BC-FES-GUI , SAP GUI for Windows , How To