Saphostctrl LiveDatabaseUpdate cmd fails with Database permission denied:username or password not set Please provide username and password of a database manager (DBA) user (a default DBA user is the 'superdba' user). (fault code: 127
- This can occur when attempting to validate the secure area:
saphostctrl -user sapadm <PWD> -function LiveDatabaseUpdate -dbname <SID> -dbtype syb-updateoption TASK=VALIDATE_SEC_STORES
Error: Command execution failed. : Database permission denied: username or password not set Please provide username and password of a database manager (DBA) user (a default DBA user is the 'superdba' user). (fault code: 127)
- Can also occur when running an upgrade through saphostctrl
saphostctrl -user sapadm <password> -function LiveDatabaseUpdate -dbname <SID> -dbtype syb updatemethod Execute -updateoption TASK=UPDATE_ASE -updateoption UPDATE_FORCE=1 updateoption DROP_LOCATION="/<path>/<to>/<software>"
Error encountered
----- Log messages ----
Info: saphostcontrol: Executing LiveDatabaseUpdate
Error: sapdbctrl: Database permission denied: username or password not set Please provide username and password of a database manager (DBA) user (a default DBA user is the 'superdba' user).
Error: saphostcontrol: LiveDatabaseUpdate failed (sapdbctrl exit code = 4)
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 for Business Suite
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 for Business Suite
- SAP NetWeaver (NW) - All versions
SYB,ASE,saphostctrl,superdba,secure store,upgrade,LiveDatabaseUpdate , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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