HANA system is up and running, however, you cannot perform any tasks (e.g open system in HANA studio or execute hdbsql) due to errors below.
* 2055: maximum number of rows per table or partition reached: '_SYS_AUDIT:CS_AUDIT_LOG_' SQLSTATE: HY000
Same or similar error messages like below are observed in indexserver trace.
[13034]{200048}[7/2283290388] 2020-06-24 05:12:17.135653 e UdivMethods UdivMethods.cpp(00117) : Maximum number of rows per partition reached for _SYS_AUDIT:CS_AUDIT_LOG_$delta_1$. Please try merge + optimize compression before adding new rows. MaxUdivs: main=1614764466, delta1=532719179, delta2=0, maxRowId=2147483654, calculated with numRows=1
[13034]{200048}[7/2283290388] 2020-06-24 05:12:17.136010 e table_update TableUpdate.cpp(04443) : execute_context() caught exception for table _SYS_AUDIT:CS_AUDIT_LOG_, rc=17: exception 1: no.70000017 (ims_search_api/UdivMethods.cpp:124) TID: 13034
Maximum number of rows per partition reached. Maximum number of rows per partition reached
exception throw location:
1: 0x00007f5741a01660 in TRexAPI::UdivMethods::getNewUdivs(TrexBase::IndexName const&, TRexConfig::RuntimeData*, unsigned long, int&, long*, ltt::smartptr_handle<TRexConfig::AddColumnVector>*)+0x170 at UdivMethods.cpp:124 (
You have checked KBA 2676016: 1) set parameter indexserver.ini [sql] reload_tables = false; 2) restart HANA system, however, the same error persists.
Images/data in this KBA are from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- SAP HANA Platform Edition 1.0 or higher
_SYS_AUDIT, CS_AUDIT_LOG_, maximum number of rows per table or partition reached, 2 billion, 2055, SQLSTATE: HY000, reload_tables, global_auditing_state , KBA , HAN-DB-SEC , SAP HANA Security & User Management , Problem
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