- You have defined the title of a task of your workflow definition using expressions or enhanced a work item title for an SAP delivered standard task.
- If a workitem is created for such a task, the expression is not correctly replaced by the values stored in the container of the workitem.
- Text description is missing.
- The workflow log shows the following information:
- Variables of the work item text cannot be generated (Message no. SWF_RUN505),
- Parameter list missing for method XXXX (Message no. SWF_EXP_001180),
- Container element '<CONTAINER_ELEMENT>' does not exist (Message no. SWF_EXP_001035).
- SAP Business Workflow
- SAP NetWeaver 7.4
- SAP NetWeaver 7.5
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server 7.51 for SAP S/4HANA 1610 (SAP_BASIS 7.51)
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP 7.52 for SAP S/4HANA (SAP_BASIS 7.52)
- ABAP PLATFORM 1809 - Application Server ABAP (SAP_BASIS 7.53)
- ABAP PLATFORM 1909 - Application Server ABAP (SAP_BASIS 7.54)
ABAP platform 1809 ; ABAP platform 1909 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.4 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5 ; SAP Web Application Server for SAP S/4HANA all versions
WF_GDPR, SWF_WORKFLOW, WFMSTD, GETMDGWITEXT, '_WI_OBJECT_ID', SWWCOND, SAP_WORKFLOW_RULE,work item text, Die Texte zu den Workflows, workflow title, language, SWF_RUN 505, SWF_EXP 001180, SWF_EXP 001035 , KBA , BC-BMT-WFM , Business Workflow , Problem
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