- A request for a new feature to rebalance data usages in all the dbfiles after new dbfiles are added.
- Allowing free space in all of the dbfiles.
- Thus allowing loads and queries to run using all spaces in parallel.
- For example:
- All the dbfiles are almost full.
- 2 new dbfiles are added.
- Performance could become slow as new data are stored only in the 2 new dbfiles.
- Loads can run in parallel on only 2 dbfiles instead of on tens of dbfiles.
- Queries affecting new data stored on the 2 new dbfiles could run slow.
- Performance could degrade.
SAP IQ 16.1
SAP IQ 16.1
CR822681; CR#822681; 822681; reorg , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Product Enhancement
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