- Creating a stored procedure or / adhoc query which requires a variable to be used inside quotes.
- Example:
declare @name varchar(20)
declare @combine varchar(40)
declare @dirname varchar(20)
select @dirname = "/tmp"
select @name = (select user_name())
select @combine = @dirname + "/" + @name + "/"
set statistics plan_directory_html @combine
The results show:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 181:
Server 'myserver', Line 8:
Incorrect syntax near '@combine'.
- Example2:
declare @name varchar(20)
declare @combine varchar(40)
declare @dirname varchar(20)
select @dirname = "/tmp"
select @name = (select user_name())
select @combine = @dirname + "/" + @name + "/"
print "How to print the name @combine"
The results show:
How to print the name @combine
- How can it be coded so that results are what is needed? Expecting "/tmp/user/" not @combine
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (all versions)
passing using variables incorrect results not expected wrong different , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , How To
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