- There is an error in our Fiori applications that the reselection of a value from a MultiCombobox does not work
- When tested, the error is found and occurs only after SAPUI 1.77.2.
- The application has the following:
- It is using the SAPUI5 MultiComboBox for filtering in an Analytic Page
- The user can select different values here
- Special feature, the MultiComboBox loads the data lazy from the ODATA service, i.e. the items are suspended in XML
- By clicking on the ComboBox the function "onResumeItems" is called, which resumes the items (available in online blogs)
- So far we had no problem with this procedure
- But after 1.77.2 the following problem occurs
- When opening the MultiComboBox for the first time you can still select the values
- If you open the ComboBox again, no selection is possible, because the ComboBox is closed immediately
- This application works in SAPUI5 1.77.2
- With other MultiComboBoxes that do not use this lazy loading (Suspend = true) it works
- As a hotfix solution, the design team is using SAPUI5 version 1.77.2 so that users are not affected by this error
- ~~~~~~~Example Definition of the MultiComboBox in the XML view ~~~~
<MultiComboBox xmlns="sap.m" id="component" items="{path: '/ComponentView', sorter: {path: 'component'}, suspended: true}" loadItems=".onResumeItems" selectionFinish=".onApplyFilter"> <Item xmlns="sap.ui.core" key="{component}" text="{component}"/> </MultiComboBox> Function for resuming the suspended items on click
/** * Resume the selection of the assemblyLines (Lazy loading). * @param {sap.ui.base.Event} oEvent Event */ onResumeItems: function (oEvent) { try { var oItems = oEvent.getSource().getBinding("items"); if (oItems.isSuspended()) { oItems.resume(); } } catch (err) { Log.warning("Combobox " + oEvent.getSource().getId() + " failed to resume ready: " + err); } },
~~~~~~~~Error in Chrome Console~~~
Error in Chrome Console after the click on the MultiComboBox
2020-08-21 11:09:39.155375 FocusItem: 1 iFocusedIndex: 1 - focusItem ItemNavigation Log-dbg.js:460 2020-08-21 11:09:39.157114 Set Focus on ID: __item67 - focusItem ItemNavigation Log-dbg.js:460 2020-08-21 11:09:39.170014 FocusItem: 1 iFocusedIndex: 1 - focusItem ItemNavigation Log-dbg.js:460 2020-08-21 11:09:39.171590 Set Focus on ID: __item67 - focusItem ItemNavigation MultiComboBox-dbg.js:2284 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'focus' of undefined at f.t.onAfterRenderingList (MultiComboBox-dbg.js:2284) at j (Element-dbg.js:325) at f.d._handleEvent (Element-dbg.js:338) at _ (RenderManager-dbg.js:1123) at a1 (RenderManager-dbg.js:1171) at R.render (RenderManager-dbg.js:1293) at Function.U.rerenderControl (UIArea-dbg.js:749) at f.c.rerender (Control-dbg.js:384) at constructor.U.rerender (UIArea-dbg.js:688) at constructor.Core.renderPendingUIUpdates (Core-dbg.js:2816)
SAPUI5 1.77
SAPUI5 1.0
"Drop Down selection","After selecting the drop down once it does not work","MultiComboBox","MultiComboBox selection","MultiComboBox Suspend" , KBA , CA-UI5-CTR-RIL , SAP UI5 Controls Rila team , Problem
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