When deleting the discussion post (with comments) from the feed, the comment count in the actual discussion post is also deleted.
SAP JAM Collaboration
Reproducing the Issue
- Navigate to a group.
- From the group menu, select Forums.
- Click on a forum topic.
- From the Add menu, select Discussion.
- Enter a title and body text.
- Click Publish.
- From the group menu, select Feed.
- Add a comment/reply to the feed post created as a result of creating the discussion.
- Delete the feed post.
- From the group menu, select Forums.
- Click the forum topic where you added the feed post.
- Notice that the Comment count is now 0. It should reflect the number of replies (1+).
- Click on the discussion.
- The comment/Comments section disappears.
- Click back to the forum topic, and back into the discussion. The discussion comment/reply displays again but the comment count is still 0. It should reflect the number of replies (1+).
- Add another comment/reply. Check the comment count. It still displays 0.
This is a known issue
The fix for the issue will be deployed during the R546 release on September 11, 2020
delete, deleted, discussion, post, feed, JAM, disappear, disappearance, appear, navigate , KBA , LOD-SF-JAM-FED , Feed Issues , Problem
SAP Jam Collaboration all versions