SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2966112 - Unable to Save Changes in Business Role


You have updated a specific Busienss Role in your system, when you select Save, the system throws error:

Exception Processing Message 0xc0000005 - Unexpected paramenters


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications

SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Adminitsrator workcenter
  2. Select Business Role
  3. Edit required role 
  4. Select Access Rights and perform the changes in ex: Read/Write Access

UI freezes, above error message is displayed after a long time. This is a UI error.


 The issue is happening due to huge volume of data in the system.


You can follow below workaround:

  1. Unassign the workcenter view from the  "Workcenter and View Assignment" tab
  2. Assign the workcenter again
  3. Step 2 will assign the workcenter view in unrestricted read and write access
  4. Now you will be able to change the access mode of the workcenter view


Business Role, Workcenter, UI Unresponsive Error

SAP Cloud for Customer core applications

, KBA , SRD-CC-IAM , Identity & Access Management , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions


Unresponsive Error.PNG