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2966295 - Union View hangs - Information Steward


  • A Union view task with 3 large SAP tables will fail, but continue to show a 'running' state. 
  • Change the SAP configuration to Run in background with Data Transfer = ABAP. The error in the task log will be:
    Error  "RFC CallReceive error <Function /BODS/RFC_ABAP_INSTALL_AND_RUN: RFC_ABAP_MESSAGE- No more storage space available for extending"

    Error in the job logs:
    " Unknown error occurred when listening for data flow communication message using peer-to-peer method.
    SYS-170115: memoryMonitor Warning: Your system is running low on virtual memory."

  • Change the SAP configuraion to Run in background with Data Transfer = Default. The error in the task log will be: 
    Error  " The Subtask process [subtask id=28281] has completed with error: Error calling RFC function to get table data: <RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE- ERROR connection to partner 'ipaddr:port' broken"

  • Create this same Union view task in another system and it will complete successfully.
  • Execute the failing Union view task with the working repository and it will still fail.  



SAP Information Steward 14.2


SAP Information Steward 4.2


KBA , EIM-IS-DI , Information Steward - Data Insight , EIM-DS-SAP , SAP Interfaces , Problem

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