When executing a URL, the following error message appears (exactly in Google Chrome, in other browsers the structure can be different):
This site can't be reached refused to connect
To get more evidence of this issue, it is necessary to take an HTTPWatch trace while the problem is being reproduced (see in KBA 1558903 - How To Trace a Portal Scenario Using HttpWatch).
If the following result appears in the generated file:
- It indicates that no existing connection to the server was available for use by this request and the browser is creating a new TCP connection to the specified IP address.
- The request returned a HTTP status code failure or caused an internal browser error. Failing requests may prevent a web page functioning correctly and cause performance problems.
- No response headers received because request failed: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.
- Database independent
- Operating System independent
ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, This site can’t be reached, refused to connect, proxy settings, firewall settings, This page can’t be displayed, network configuration , KBA , BC-NET , Obsolete - Formerly used for network tests , BC-CST-WDP , Web Dispatcher , Problem
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