You want to use Advanced Returns Management (ARM) in SAP S/4HANA and you want to understand the features of the delivered standard configuration. The documents below are meant to describe the standard configuration in S/4HANA 2020.
Advanced Returns Management in SAP S/4HANA
configuration guide; Advanced Returns Management; ARM; Accelerated Returns Management, Customer Returns; Supplier Returns; MSR_TRC_C; MSR_TRC_I; MSR_INSPWH; MSR_CRD; MSR_IRD; MSR_VRM_GR; MSR_VRM_LFU; Returns Order; Logistical Follow-up Activity; Customer Refund Determination; Internal Refund Determination; Replacement from Supplier; Material Inspection; , KBA , LO-ARM-SD , Sales , LO-ARM-MRP , ARM Material Requirements Planning , LO-ARM-ATP , ARM Available to Promise , LO-ARM-INS , ARM Inspection , LO-ARM-MM , Advanced Returns Materials Management , LO-ARM-SHP , ARM Shipping , LO-ARM-WM , ARM Warehouse Management , Product Enhancement
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