You are using External Payment as Payment Method in the sales order, and expect the payment method to be copied into the following customer return. But External Payment mothod is not taken into the return.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Sales Orders work center.
- Go to the Returns view.
- Open the return ABC, the Payment Method is empty. (ABC represents the ID of the customer return)
- Go to Document Flow tab, and open the reference Sales Order XYZ, you see the payment method is Externa Payment. (XYZ represents the ID of the sales order)
- You expect the External Payment method is taken into the return from the order.
From 2008 relesae, are are 2 changes made on the payment method.
1) No copy of external payment method from previous document to return document.
2) Payment method on customer return can only be changed to 'Credit Card' and no manual input of any other payment type will be allowed.
This is the current system design.
Payment Method; External Payment; Customer Return , KBA , SRD-CRM-ORD , Orders & Contracts , SRD-CRM-RET , Returns , Problem