Following are the list of fixes* delivered with the Hotfix collection 2 performed in 2008 release of SAP Business ByDesign.
The Hotfix collection is planned to be deployed to tenants during the respective planned maintenance window on/after the 18th of September. Please check the planned maintenance downtime window of your tenant from the Service Control Center
SAP Business ByDesign 2008 HFC 2
Cross – Area Topic
- The csv download based on data sources now supports compounded characteristics. (Hotfix ID: 1000009603)
Account Management
- When using multiple code list mapping for outbound processing of Accounts and Contacts with the Account IDOC services, the system was unable to determine which Code List Mapping to use. After this correction, the system now uses the one maintained in the corresponding communication arrangement. (Hotfix ID: 4500004468)
Business Configuration
- Performance has been improved while opening and processing business configuration fine tuning views in remote change projects. (Hotfix ID: 4500008066)
- For India, the region code list has been adopted based on the "THE DADRA AND NAGAR HAVELI AND DAMAN AND DIU (MERGER OF UNION TERRITORIES) ACT, 2019".
Code 28 now comprises the complete merged territory. The description is maintained as "Dadra Nagar Daman Di".
Code 29 cannot be used any longer, and its description has been changed to obsolete. In the fine-tuning activity for regions, you can flag the code as obsolete, to prevent the code from appearing in value helps. (Hotfix ID: 1000008667)
Output Management
- The download center is now updated with the latest Cloud Print Manager version. (Hotfix ID: 4500007648. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- Transformation ID in Communication Arrangement business object is marked as PSM released. (Hotfix ID: 4500009341)
SAP Support Request Processing
- When user adds a note for provider for an incident, and if the status is not changed to provider action for that incident, then an appropriate error message now gets displayed. (Hotfix ID: 4500010050)
- On the Supplier business object, the attribute MinimumPurchaseOrder is now released for usage in the Cloud Application Studio. (Hotfix ID: 4500009496. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
UI Client
- The issue with white text not appearing on a white background is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 1000008075)
- When the filter was being used in the Payment Monitor view to execute a query, the result was coming up different from the one where filter was not used. This issue is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500006818)
- The product description was not searchable in the report. The issue is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500008119)
- The issue with the new Quartz Dark theme is now fixed. Earlier, the key figures were lacking in visual contrast. (Hotfix ID: 4500008119)
- Issues with the value help for cost assignment type in expense reports is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500008119)
- The alignment issues with the follow up documents section is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500009612)
- HTML mashup transfer of parameter error is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500009003)
- The Dark/Light Mode feature error is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500009003)
- The issue with the Pipeline bubble chart is now fixed. Earlier, showing sales phase code dimension appeared besides the bubble with the sales phase description. Now, it appears like a pipeline bar chart. (Hotfix ID: 4500008435)
- URL Mashup was not getting included in the USERID as expected. This issue is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500009700)
- Tile alignment issue in SAP Business ByDesign mobile app is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500009700)
Customer Relationship Management
Cash Discount Terms
- Z-prefix based CDT now defaults the net due date to baseline date, when the payment terms are left blank for the net discount section. (Hotfix ID: 4500009158. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
Customer Contract
- Customer Contract Renewal Agreement on Item Level is PSM released for read only access. (Hotfix ID: 4500006508)
Customer Invoice
- When cancellation approval is scoped, invoice output history was not being generated. This issue is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 1000009892. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- In a few scenarios, process control block was set, however, the invoices were getting released even if the posting date of invoice was falling within the process block timeline. This issue is now resolved. Now, the invoice does not get released if there exists a process block for the period pertaining to the posting date of the invoice. (Hotfix ID: 4500008318)
- The Outbound Release can be now be cancelled if the invoice is cancelled. (Hotfix ID: 4500007833. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- Pro Forma invoice can now be successfully generated and saved. The form template error coming up on clicking of Pro Forma Invoice on Sales Quote is resolved. (Hotfix ID: 4500007628. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- Customer invoices can now get released successfully even with their previous action of previewing another invoice. (Hotfix ID: 4500008804)
- The issue while removing an item after creating debit invoice request is now resolved. (Hotfix ID: 4500009680. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- For Italy, the release button is now enabled in Customer Request view. It also checks the validation for Italy while creating customer Invoices.
There are two legal validations: - Posting date should not be less than the last posted document.
- The documents should be released in the sequence. (Hotfix ID: 1000009412)
- For India, Generate IRN schema has been updated for v1.03 for India E-invoicing. (Hotfix ID: 1000009944. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- For India, the issue where users were unable to create/save customer invoices, is now fixed. For more information, see the document Flexible Document Numbering - India. (Hotfix ID: 4500010410. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- Some XML files generated using XSLT Repository (for example e-invoicing) were generated using wrong codepage setup. This fix makes sure that files get codepage as defined in XSLT files. (Hotfix ID: 4500009404)
- Payer Invoice exists validation is now enhanced with grouping unit. (Hotfix ID: 4500004128)
- Closing date validation for outbound delivery invoice requests, while creating invoice requests as well as creating customer invoices is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500004128)
- If invoice creation happens through the action Invoice-Advanced, newly entered invoice date gets considered for the calculation of closing date. This fixes that was coming up during the creation of customer invoice. (Hotfix ID: 4500004128)
- The closing date now gets calculated from credit memo date instead of its referenced invoice’s date. (Hotfix ID: 4500004128)
- India E-Invoice schema v1.03 includes the following changes:
- Surcharges have been added to total amount as per the recent NIC validation on assessible amount.
- Fix to total amount calculation in Stock Transfer Delivery.
- TCS changes that go-live on October 1, 2020 have been included.
- Original invoice date on debit note form XML has been made available. (Hotfix ID: 1000009016)
Customer Return
- With this fix, if material/service/product exists with same product ID, then the customer return creation will not fail. (Hotfix ID: 4500006435)
- An error was coming up for an existing payer invoice for a given closing date, when registering multiple over-the-counter sales using ManageOvertheCounterSaleRequestIn webservice. This issue is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500000317. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
Sales Order
- Performance issues occurring while opening sales order details view are now resolved. Earlier, if the sales order had large number of output history items, there was a performance concern as the output history gets loaded when the view is opened. Changes have been made to load output history when the output history tab is clicked for the first time. (Hotfix ID: 1000008985)
- The workflow notifications for quote and sales order were not getting created when user logon language was not English, and, when the profit margin percentage was an attribute in condition for notification trigger. This issue is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500008516)
- Sales Order query webservice that was failing on execution with a RABAX error has now been fixed and can be consumed. (Hotfix ID: 4500009168. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- Product UUID of Item is added as a new parameter in public out port of sales order item so that it can be used in the newly added tab in item details. (Hotfix ID: 4500009653)
Service Confirmation
- The overall status of service order items now gets completed once delivery and invoice processes are finished. It was not working in cases where Non-Billable indicator was marked manually in confirmation. (Hotfix ID: 4500009732)
Service Request
- Persisted errors won't appear in application log of Information Lifecycle Management Deletion run, when all the documents considered for deletion are successfully deleted. (Hotfix ID: 4500008679)
Financial Management
- For Korea, the rule-based activation for purchase accounting in the context of the statutory reporting requirements, has now been removed. Newly the functionality can be now activated or deactivated manually via scoping question in business configuration. (Hotfix ID: 4500001478. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- For Italy, the entire journal report was not being generated in the single run. Also, a few entries were missing in the pdf file. This error is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500002328. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
Accounting Lease Management
- You can now restrict read or write access, based on company, on the lease contract worklist view of the lease contract management work center. (Hotfix ID: 1000008676)
- Cashflow calculation was coming up incorrect while creating a new lease contract, that had a similar lease contract ID for other company. This issue is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500006817)
- New version of lease contracts was calculating wrong initiation posting values. After this fix, system now calculates the correct values. (Hotfix ID: 4500009951. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- Free cost objects are now posting correctly to Otherdirectcost ledger instead of miscellaneous ledger. (Hotfix ID: 4500009951. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- Customers can now create Manual Supplier invoice with Assignment as lease contract with released status and term completed contract. (Hotfix ID: 4500008237)
Analytics Content
- The provided fix now solves the issue of missing function of expense data, such as profit and loss and other expenses in the reporting structures. (Hotfix ID: 4500009012. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
Bank Statement
- Enabling Post for bank statement created through a file upload. (Hotfix ID: 4500009953)
- The bank statement integration with external provider TIS now supports with the MT940 BAI2 formats. (Hotfix ID: 4500010110)
- In the Budget Category, the description text after selecting the checkbox Budget Queries Possible is now changed to Doesn't look Good instead of Doesn't look bad. (Hotfix ID: 4500009497)
Cost & Revenue
- In the revenue recognition run with IFRSR15 scoping on, there was an issue while deriving non-written off delivered quantity, for a project-based time and material sales item. This issue is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 1000005819)
- For the project based fixed price scenario, leading item assignment on a child item is now consistent, if Cost to Cost Project POC accrual method is assigned to it. (Hotfix ID: 1000009213)
- This fix resolves the problem of inconsistent data appearing in the accounts receivable and payable reconciliation reports, when executed for a company where the login user do not have authorization. Now, these reports display an error message instead of inconsistent data when an end user has missing authorization. (Hotfix ID: 4500008564. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
Expense Report
- UK advisory fuel rate for September 2020 have been updated. (Hotfix ID: 1000009125)
General Ledger
- Financial Plan upload had an issue with functional area derivation, when multiple chart of accounts was linked to a single accounting principle. The issue is now resolved, and appropriate functional areas are now derived. (Hotfix ID: 1000008339)
- If you try to use the data source G/L Balance Audit Trail - FINGLAU11 directly to build custom reports, the ending balance shows up as 0, even when valid balances exist. This was because of the way the set of books selection parameter was being handled. Owing to this, the data source was returning an exception and was not proceeding further to fetch the required records to get the balances. It has now been corrected with this fix. The data source now takes exactly one set of books as the selection parameter. (Hotfix ID: 1000006416)
- Customers can access the Name, Code and Typecode query parameters of the query by elements of the general ledger account alias business objects in the SAP Cloud Application Studio. (Hotfix ID: 4500009791)
Payment Allocation
- The error coming up in Payer ID value help within the Payment Allocation screen is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500004235)
Payment Management
- For Switzerland, the labels on payment slip for Invoice QR Bill Switzerland are changed in version 2 of implementation guide. This is now updated. (Hotfix ID: 4500008857)
- The issue with payment files for outgoing bank transfers and wire transfers, generated using the ISO20022 payment medium format for Swiss companies, is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 1000008074. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- For Japan Invoice Summary run, To and from date for closing date is now mandatory. Run does not get activated if only one field is filled. (Hotfix ID: 4500004128)
Payment Order
- The Payment Batch business object had certain instances where the retention period could not be determined if the document was cancelled without sending the payment batch to the provider. This issue is now fixed for such documents. (Hotfix ID: 1000006522)
Payment Register
- Payment allocation with bank statement item makes an on-account payment within new payment register. This hotfix fixes the automatic payment to the on-account allocation. (Hotfix ID: 1000006656)
Reporting Structure
- Reporting structure hierarchy was not getting displayed for ZD3N and ZD4N templates. This issue is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500009712. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
Tax Management and Declaration
- There was an issue with the posting of documents for the state of Colorado from 1st August, 2020 onwards.
Whenever a new Jurisdiction code from Vertex is encountered, its details are stored at our end. The stored information is later on used during tax reporting, for analyzing the taxation at a particular Jurisdiction Level. Vertex has changed the Jurisdiction Levels of a couple of Jurisdiction Codes. Because of the check in place, creation of documents was not possible as there is a mismatch of Jurisdiction Level.
This issue is now fixed, and the documents can now be posted for Colorado or any jurisdiction in US for any dates. (Hotfix ID: 1000010550)
- The payment file created out of a tax due payment now include details of the net amount and gross amount of the tax due payment in the payment explanation node of the payment advice. (Hotfix ID: 1000008422)
- Business configuration content is now delivered for German Tax Rate Change. (Hotfix ID: 4500008617. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- For Austria, the new tax rate type 5, Exceptional Reduced, covering the new reduced rate of 5%, is necessary. The new tax rate type is available in Expense and Reimbursement Management. Two new tax codes are being released that can be chosen in ERM configuration.
These are 32 - Domestic purchase - exceptional reduced rate, fully deductible and 33 - Domestic purchase - exceptional reduced rate, non-deductible. (Hotfix ID: 4500007847. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- For India, the changes with this hotfix unites the union territories Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu into one union territory with the state code of 26. (Hotfix ID: 4500010003)
- The error within the GB EC Sales List tax return file is now fixed. Earlier, the second field in between the commas was populated with blank spaces. This was incorrect. The correct value is 000. When the company does not have a subsidiary, the subsidiary identifier must be populated with 000. With this hotfix, the error has been rectified and 000 gets populated in the file in the second row within the second field. (Hotfix ID: 4500010420)
- For India, the new section 194-IB of the Income Tax Act, 1961 was introduced with the Finance Act, 2017. The provisions of section 194-IB were made effective from 1st June 2017. According to Section 194IB, it is mandatory for any person, i.e. Individuals/HUF not liable to audit u/s 44AB, to deduct taxes for a rent paid to a resident, exceeding Rs 50,000 per month.
The Individual or HUF who is liable to deduct TDS in terms of provisions of section 194-IB of the Income Tax Act, 1961 is required to deduct TDS @ 5%.
To address this legal change, a new Income Type 194IB - TDS on rent paid by Individual / HUF - is introduced in the system under withholding tax for India. (Hotfix ID: 4500009254)
- The Summary Register tax return output form preview was rendering blank values. This hotfix ensures that values are rendered correctly on the output form for this tax return. Manual tax entries will also appear in the output forms of the Input and Output VAT Domestic Register tax returns. (Hotfix ID: 4500009142. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- Tax details are now included in the delivery note after the release of an outbound delivery. (Hotfix ID: 4500009900)
- For France, the SIRET number check is now applicable only for domestic suppliers. (Hotfix ID: 4500008724)
Human Resources
- Planned Working Time and Absences report was showing incorrect aggregation for Absence and Gross Capacity key figures. With this fix, the report now shows correct aggregation for these key figures in the Result Row for Employee. (Hotfix ID: 4500010002)
- Extension field is now added in the deduction tab of compensation details within the Compensation work center. You can also view the added files in the report. (Hotfix ID: 1000009562)
Master Data Replication
- The provided fix now adds info text about Employee Central Integration de-scoping condition in overview and relevance section of Employee Central Integration scoping section. (Hotfix ID: 4500008883)
Resource Pool Management
- Availability Calculation status now gets updated correctly in Resource Calendar on termination of employee. (Hotfix ID: 4500010310)
Time and Labor Management
- Correction has been made in business configuration consistency checks to avoid workspace upgrade failure, in case system is already integrated with SAP Employee Central. (Hotfix ID: 1000010330. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- Correction has been made to further reduce initial load time leading in improving performance of Resource Calendar, in case of project planning done at a very granular level. (Hotfix ID: 1000007139. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- Resource Management Work Schedule Assignment is now fixed in case of time models, where all the days are off. (Hotfix ID: 4500010440. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- Resource calendar planned effort distribution process in resource management solution is now improved with this fix. (Hotfix ID: 4500008134. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- Correction has been made in the resource calendar to handle specific use case, where customer scopes in resource calendar for the first time instead of switching from availability calendar. (Hotfix ID: 4500008224. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- Users can now create leave request from leave request mobile app without any error. (Hotfix ID: 4500006662. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
Project Management
- There is a period plan for a revenue in project and revenue amounts, where in some periods are not integer values. There is an internal (unassigned) period with non-zero amount. It should be possible to get rid of this internal period if you reduce the revenue amount to be exactly equal to the sum of all period amounts over all non-internal periods. However, it does not happen, and error message gets generate informing that the entered amount exceeds the sum of period amounts. This issue is now resolved. (Hotfix ID: 1000010560)
- If there were some not released project purchase request items, then processing of a message from purchasing or, processing a purchase request item within the corresponding project was causing exceptions. This issue is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 1000010210. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- Public Write Access of the association to text node is set to true to create in PDI Text node on root of CustomerProjectInvoiceRequisition. (Hotfix ID: 4500009952)
Project Purchase Request
- The exception coming up when user was trying to open view Products for a project with project purchase requests assigned to it, is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500009643. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
Supply Chain Management
- MDAV Report is now enhanced to display source for sales orders with new status. (Hotfix ID: 4500010220)
- This hotfix has been created to address the missing access context assignment to Customer Demand Details data source. As a consequence of this necessary change,
- Custom Data Sources based on SCMCDU01 may not work anymore.
- Reports based on SCMCDU01, that are assigned to an incompatible work center may not work anymore. (Hotfix ID: 4500008208)
Customer Requirement
- With the current fix, we have taken care that for a complete delivery order for all items with the same sources of supply, multiple delivery proposals will not get created. Only one delivery proposal gets created as expected. (Hotfix ID: 4500009273)
Delivery Processing
- The error coming up while adding attachment to outbound delivery is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500010010. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
Labor Resource
- PSM request has been read enabled for node PROVIDED_SERVICE of the RESOURCE BO. (Hotfix ID: 1000005409)
Physical Inventory
- System dump occurring in the execution of count task while downloading the excel for task confirmation, has now been fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500007577. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
Production Bill of Operations
- For Bill of Operation: BOO_PRODUCTION business object, node marker is now write enabled and can be used in customer solutions to create new markers. (Hotfix ID: 1000009943)
Production Lot
- PSM write request enabled for Production Lot Fields - Material Input - Source Logistic Area and Operation Activity - Confirmation Completed Indicator. (Hotfix ID: 4500007881)
- Public write Access enabled for Production Task - Identified Stock ID. (Hotfix ID: 4500008367)
Site Logistics Request
- In the new data source for Warehouse Request Items, SCMWREXE_V1, data that gets displayed in case of split of quantities in the task confirmation screen was incorrect. The issue was initially reported for logistics area and open quantities. This issue is now fixed for the open quantity calculation and to set the distinct indicator in the data source. (Hotfix ID: 4500010040)
Site Logistics Task
- OBN Navigation to SiteLogisticsTask is now PSM enabled. (Hotfix ID: 4500007935)
Supply and Demand Matching
- A new field Product_ID_New has been added to the SCMPDV01 data source to aid in the creation of joined data source. (Hotfix ID: 1000007758)
Supplier Relationship Management
Goods and Service Acknowledgment
- As per existing logic, cost center is copied from the purchase order to the goods receipts document. However, since the goods receipts are created from time recordings, it includes the project task. This mismatch was causing an error in financials. The issue is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 1000009793. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
- While posting Customer Project Expense List from a source document in General Ledger, the project task between goods receipts and customer project expense list was differing, resulting in an error while posting the Expense List. This issue is now fixed. (Hotfix ID: 4500004354. This fix has already been delivered as a patch.)
Purchase Requests and Orders
- Following BOs are PSM Released:
- Shopping cart - Item address location details
- Procurement Price Specification - Action CANCEL_RELEASE on Root
- PO Reminder Letter Proposal - read released all the nodes and attributes and enabled field extensible indicator that help partners to add extensible fields (Hotfix ID: 1000010450)
- The provided fix allows price change in Purchase Order Acknowledgements for Partially Invoiced Purchase Orders. (Hotfix ID: 1000006866)
Supplier Invoice
- The issue where numeric companies were not taken into consideration is now resolved. (Hotfix ID: 1000008535)
- A fix has been provided for the simulation for In Approval Multi Step Supplier Invoices. Now when the periods are closed and process control is open, the approvals in further steps are passed. (Hotfix ID: 4500007158)
- For Germany, Recurring Invoice Templates for German companies created before 01.07.2020 have 19% as the tax percentage. Now, the invoices created out of template after 01.07.2020 have 16% due to Covid cess as per German laws. This fix ensures that the Recurring Invoices with Invoice Entry Net gets automatically posted. (Hotfix ID: 4500009473)
*Disclaimer: Note that this list may not include all of the hotfixes that are a part of this collection (e.g. operational, internal, technical fixes may not be listed).
See Also
ByD2008; HFC02; Hotfix; SPS02; Hotfix Collection; 2008 , KBA , SRD-CC-UIP-PUI , Progress UI , SRD-CRM-ORD , Orders & Contracts , SRD-FIN-GL , General Ledger , SRD-HR-MSS , People Management , SRD-PRO-PMN , Project Management , SRD-SCM-ANA , Analytics Content , SRD-SRM-PRO , Purchase Requests and Orders , Known Error