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2971556 - setuphadr fails to materialize database due to old information present in system table - SRS


  • HADR was previously already installed and was removed with sap_teardown and/or removehadr.
  • Execute again setuphadr on secondary node to reconfigure HADR.
  • The execution of setuphadr fails with the following error (for a system named AAA):

ASESetupHADR Task Name Setup HADR
ASESetupHADR Task State Error
ASESetupHADR Short Description Configure an HADR system consisting of two ASE servers.
ASESetupHADR Long Description Initialize HADR on ASE host 'SITE1'.
ASESetupHADR Current Task Number 4
ASESetupHADR Total Number of Tasks 15
ASESetupHADR Hostname name_of_DR_host
ASEInitHADR Task Name Initialize ASE HADR
ASEInitHADR Task State Error
ASEInitHADR Short Description Initializes the ASE HADR system configuration.
ASEInitHADR Long Description Dropping the existing HADR group 'AAA_group'.
ASEInitHADR Failing Command Error MessageProcessing failed to add the HADR group 'AAA_group' with local server 'AAA_SITE1DR'. The conflicting HADR group 'AAA_group' could not be removed.
ASEInitHADR Hostname name_of_DR_host
DropHADRGroupTask Name Drop HADR Group
DropHADRGroupTask State Error
DropHADRGroupShort Description Drop the HADR group.
DropHADRGroupLong Description Dropping the HADR group named 'AAA_group'.
DropHADRGroupFailing Command sp_hadr_admin dropgroup, 'AAA_group'
DropHADRGroupFailing Command Return Code 17158
DropHADRGroupFailing Command Error MessageThe command to drop the HADR group failed with an exception.
DropHADRGroupFailing Exception Message: 'Cannot run this command as HADR is not configured. A user with System Administrator (SA) role must reconfigure the system to enable HADR.' Cause: ''.
DropHADRGroupHostname name_of_DR_host

Error: *** AAA database(s) failed to materialize. You need to manually materialize these database(s) to complete the setup. ***
Error: Materialize Databases...Fail

  • In the RMA errorlog present on the primary node, the following messages are present:

[WARN ] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [ASEInitHADR ] - An existing HADR group 'AAA_group' has an incorrect local HADR server 'AAA_SITE1'. The existing HADR group will be removed, and the new HADR group AAA_group' will be added with local server 'AAA_SITE1DR'.
[TRACE] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [ASEInitHADR ] - Task Initialize ASE HADR - Execution running.
[INFO ] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [ASEInitHADR ] - Task Initialize ASE HADR - Action - Dropping the existing HADR group 'AAA_group'.
[INFO ] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [DropHADRGroup ] - Task Drop HADR Group - Task Name - Drop HADR Group
[INFO ] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [DropHADRGroup ] - Task Drop HADR Group - Description - Drop the HADR group.
[INFO ] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [DropHADRGroup ] - Task Drop HADR Group - State - Initialized
[INFO ] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [DropHADRGroup ] - Task Drop HADR Group - Hostname - name_of_DR_host
[INFO ] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [DropHADRGroup ] - Task Drop HADR Group - State - Running
[TRACE] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [DropHADRGroup ] - Task Drop HADR Group - Pre Execution running.
[TRACE] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [DropHADRGroup ] - Executing 'C' on the ASE at name_of_primary_host.domain:5901.
[TRACE] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [DropHADRGroup ] - Task Drop HADR Group - Execution running.
[INFO ] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [DropHADRGroup ] - Task Drop HADR Group - Action - Dropping the HADR group named 'AAA_group'.
[TRACE] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [DropHADRGroup ] - Executing 'sp_hadr_admin dropgroup, 'AAA_group'' on the ASE at name_of_primary_host.domain:5901.
[ERROR] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [DropHADRGroup ] - Task Drop HADR Group - Failed performing command - sp_hadr_admin dropgroup, 'AAA_group'
[ERROR] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [DropHADRGroup ] - Task Drop HADR Group - Failed with error message - The command to drop the HADR group failed with an exception.
[ERROR] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [DropHADRGroup ] - Task Drop HADR Group - Failed with Exception - Message: 'Cannot run this command as HADR is not configured. A user with System Administrator (SA) role must reconfigure the system to enable HADR.' Cause: ''.
[TRACE] [Materialize:421][RMA] - [DropHADRGroup ] - Task Drop HADR Group - Failed with Stack Trace - Cannot run this command as HADR is not configured. A user with System Administrator (SA) role must reconfigure the system to enable HADR.
com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybSQLException: Cannot run this command as HADR is not configured. A user with System Administrator (SA) role must reconfigure the system to enable HADR.
at com.sybase.jdbc4.tds.Tds.processEed(
at com.sybase.jdbc4.tds.Tds.nextResult(
at com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.ResultGetter.nextResult(
at com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybStatement.nextResult(



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP03 with Always-on Option (HADR)
  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP03 with High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) for Business Suite


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 ; SAP Replication Server 16.0


setuphadr, sap_teardown, removehadr, HADR, Drop HADR Group, Materialize Databases, Fail, Cannot run this command as HADR is not configured, Initialize ASE HADR, com.sybase.jdbc4.tds.Tds.processEed , KBA , BC-SYB-REP-SAP , Replication with SAP Suite / SAP BW , Problem

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