You encountered following error in Credit Memo even though the quantity or amount did not exceed the total quantity and amount of preceding supplier invoice:
"The sum of credit amounts is greater than the sum of debit amounts for the preceding supplier invoice item".
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Supplier Invoicing work center
- Select view: Invoices and Credit Memos
- Search for the Credit Memo which is in exception
- Select View All
- Navigate to Exceptions tab
- Error: The sum of credit amounts is greater than the sum of debit amounts for the preceding supplier invoice item
In cost distribution of the credit memo, the reference item is invoice id-line item (e.g. XXX.1) Here XXX refers to preceding supplier invoice id and 1 refers to the line item.
In the supplier invoice cost distribution, the reference item (XXX.1) shows amount less than the amount in the credit memo.
This is why the error occurs in the credit memo.
Please change the amount in the Credit Memo to the original reference amount as specified in the Supplier Invoice reference.
See Also
Credit Memo exception, sum of credit amounts is greater than the sum of debit amounts, cost distribution , KBA , credit amount greater than debit amount , credit memo exception , AP-SIP-SIV , Supplier Invoice , Problem