SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2973359 - SAP Marking Cloud--Marketing Permission is not shown in the Contact profile


Marketing permission is not shown in Contact Profile for a Business User, although the Admin can view the permissions.


  • SAP Marketing Cloud Edition

Reproducing the Issue

  • Go to Contacts App
  • Navigate to contact profile page to check the related marketing permission, but find that there is no value shown in Permission Marketing tab.



The feature marketing areas in campaign execution in the Activate Marketing Areas for Campaign Execution is not activated in the system hence, only the permissions without marketing area are displayed.

If you have set up a marketing areas data separation process.


To view marketing-area-dependent permissions activate the feature marketing areas in campaign execution in the Activate Marketing Areas for Campaign Execution.

To activate the feature follow the below steps :

  1. Open the Manage Your Solution
  2. Select Configure Your Solution
  3. Select Application Area - Marketing
  4. Select Item Name - General Settings
  5. Select Step name  - Activate Marketing Area for Campaign Execution
  6. Enable the Checkbox


If you are intended not to Activate the above feature as this ignores the contact permissions without the marketing area while executing the campaign.

If you have set up a Business Role and restricted to specific Marketing Area Contact and Profiles and the business user not able to see the permission of a contact belong to the same marketing Area.
and you have not activated the above feature still want to see the Permissions then you have to maintain the wildcard marketing area is set to '<SPACE>' (a space between single quotation marks).


See Also

Permission Marketing in the Contact Profile

Implications of Activating Marketing Areas in Campaign Execution

For further details regarding Marketing area, please check the KBA 2765012 - SAP Marketing - How Marketing Area separation influences the process design.


Permission not visible; contact profile; permission , KBA , CEC-MKT-DM-PER , Marketing permissions , CEC-MKT-DM-IC , Interaction Contact , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions