Increasing the height of a Table Control (GuiTableControl) or an ALV Grid (GuiGridView) in SAP SCREEN PERSONAS Flavor Editor doesn't work.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- SAP Screen Personas 3.0
- SAP NetWeaver
SLIPSTREAM-2073 , ALV Grid , ALVGrid , ALV GridView , ALVGridView , TableControl , TC , table , tabelle , MIGO ALV table , count , visibleRowCount , maxrow , maximum rows , row line , lines , customise , int , ALVtableControl , ALV table Control , webgui , ME51N , VA01 , MIRO , KBA , BC-PER , SAP Screen Personas , How To
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