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2975483 - RAT fails to stop. Errors 9242 "Underflow or overflow of state stack occurred." fills the log. - SAP ASE 16.0 with HADR


  • Rep Agent Thread (RAT) fails to shut down and loops and fills up the ASE errorlog with many 9242 errors every second:

Error: 9242, Severity: 20, State: 6
RepAgent(5): Underflow or overflow of state stack occurred.
Rep Agent Thread for database 'MYDB' (dbid = 5) terminated abnormally with error. (major 92, minor 42)

  • Stopping the RAT process with nowait and killing with force leaves RAT in stopping state but does not stop RAT:

1> sp_who
2> go | grep 'REP'
0 1079 background  NULL          NULL          NULL                         0 MYDB         tempdb     REP AGENT                         0 NULL
0 2468 background  NULL          NULL          NULL                         0 MYDB         tempdb     REP AGENT CI BACKGROUND           0 NULL

1> sp_help_rep_agent COMMON, process
2> go
Replication Agent Coordinator Process Status
dbname spid sleep_status state
------ ---- ------------ --------
MYCB  1079 not sleeping stopping
(1 row affected)

Replication Agent Scanner Process Status
dbname spid start_marker end_marker current_marker sleep_status scanner_type state
------ ---- ------------ ---------- -------------- ------------ ------------ -----
Replication Agent Truncation Point Manager Process Status
dbname spid trunc_pts_confirmed trunc_pts_processed total_processing_time longest_process_time idle_time sleep_status state
------ ---- ------------------- ------------------- --------------------- -------------------- --------- ------------ -----

(return status = 0)

  • Secondary truncation point (STP) in the primary MYDB database is not moving. The transaction log (syslogs) in the MYDB database is growing.
  • Several other RAT spids were killed with 'force' and went down completely.



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP03 
  • SAP Replication Server (SRS) 16.0 SP03  
  • High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) with external replication


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 ; SAP Replication Server 16.0


CR709442, CR#709442, 709442, CR823035, CR#823035, 823035, stream, synchronous, replication, shutdown, Coordinator, kill , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Bug Filed

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