An attribute of a referencing characteristic, which is marked as an InfoProvider, is not visible in the reporting. This can happen in the following scenario:
- Characteristic (CHA) A is compounded to Characteristic CMP
- CHA A has the flag "Usable as InfoProvider" set
- CHA B is referencing to Characteristic A
- CHA B has the flag "Usable as InfoProvider" set
- The compounding in CHA B is adjusted to CMPR, where CMPR is referencing to CMP
- CHA A has an attribute called ATTR
- ATTR is compounded to CMP
When reporting on CHA A via AO, LISTCUBE, Query, then the attribute ATTR is visible and available.
When reporting on CHA B via AO, LISTCUBE, Query, then the attribute ATTR is not visible and not available for reporting.
- SAP NetWeaver 7.50
SAP BW/4HANA all versions ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5
KBA , BW4-ME-IOBJ , InfoObjects , BW-WHM-DBA-IOBJ , InfoObjects , Problem
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