You are getting the following error while trying to post an invoice or a goods receipt:
Error FICUSTOM402 - Predecessor reference inconsistent 01 WRX RMRP
Usually this error FICUSTOM402 started to appear after an upgrade and was not being raised before.
Enterprise Extension EA-PS is activated in transaction code SFW5 for this system/client
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
FICUSTOM402, FICUSTOM 402, FI CUSTOM402, FI CUSTOM 402, Predecessor reference inconsistent, FMDERIVE, MIRO, MIR7, MR8M, MIGO, MIGO_GR, FB60, MRRL, F-91, VF02, F881, Invoice receipt, Invoice, Inv, IR, Goods receipt, GR, GRN, Goods issue. , KBA , PSM-FM-UP-AD , Account assignment Determination , PSM-FM-UP , Actual Update and Commitment Update , Problem
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