The error "Retained earnings/annual net income differ in B/S and I/S" occurs when running the Calculate Net Income task in the Data Monitor app.
SAP S/4HANA CE 2008 and higher
Reproducing the Issue
Run the Calculate Net Income task in the Data Monitor app
Incomplete mapping of operational ( G/L ) accounts to financial statement ( FS ) items
To verify whether the aforementioned cause applies, proceed as follows:
1) Run the Release Universal Journals task ( in the Data Monitor app ) in test mode, navigate to the 'Reported Financial Data (Total)' tab, create a sum for local and group currency value. If the sum unequals zero or the sum per balance sheet and/or per income statement items unequals zero, go to step 2).
2) Launch the Map FS Items with G/L Accounts app, choose the active mapping revision that is being applied in the posting period in which step 1) was performed, go to the Unmapped G/L Accounts tab page, choose Recheck Posting Data and specify the parameters ( fiscal year, period, version ) that were applied in step 1). Check the Posting Data Exists column whether data was posted in FI on unmapped G/L accounts. If yes, go to step 3).
3) In the Map FS Items with G/L Accounts, map the already posted but not yet mapped G/L accounts to FS items.
4) Run task Calculate Net Income in the Data Monitor app to see if the error no longer occurs.
G00 103 G00103 104 G00104 FS item mapping , KBA , FIN-CS-COR-ANI , Annual Net Income Calculation , FIN-CS-COR-ANI-2CL , Annual Net Income Calculation (Public Cloud) , FIN-CS-COR-DT , Data Transfer , How To