SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2978409 - SAP SuccessFactors Learning Settings that Impact Content Communication


  • Content stated to have sent completion but user did not receive completion
  • User has Item on their Learning Plan and was not removed after completing all required content
  • What are the ideal configurations to make sure content data is received by Learning



  • Open Content Vendors send completions through a different API than standard SCORM API hosted on iContent server or AICC content that is hosted on public facing SFTPs.

LMS_ADMIN Property File Settings

Navigate to System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > View/Edit LMS_ADMIN

SettingKeep as defaultWhat it doesPossible Issues
aiccReturnURLYesThis is how to identify the data that is sent via the AICC/SCORM 1.2 content API to the LMS. 
scorm2004ReturnURLYesThis is how to identify the data that is sent via the SCORM 2004 content API to the LMS. 
contentStructurePageExpireDurationYesWhen a user idles on the Content Structure page, they are navigated to the Warning page which supports the AICC or SCORM API communication. If a user navigates away from the Warning screen, content communication can break. The user will still be able to continue taking the course but completion and other information might not be received.
contentStructurePageKeepAliveIntervalYesThe HXM Suite has a 30 minute session timeout if a user is idle. When a user is taking a course in a different window, the user is technically idle from the core application. This setting, based off the value, will tell the HXM Suite (BizX) to reset the session timeout while the user is taking the content.Setting the value to a higher value than normal will end the session of the user and content data will not be sent.

Content Object Settings

Navigate to Content > Content Objects > Use any existing Content Object

SettingWhat It DoesPossible Issues
Mastery ScoreThis value is filled in automatically based off the imsmanifest.xml file that is uploaded using the Content Import tool. The Mastery Score should not be filled in unless the content was developed with it in mind. This Mastery Score property is then inherited on at the Item level. 

An example of how this is an issue if improperly used: The user finishes SCORM content that sent the LMS a value of 70 for the score value. The user at the end was informed that they passed. Upon closing out of the content, they did not get completion. While the content was configured to send a completion to the LMS at 70, the LMS will check the Mastery Score value. If the Mastery Score value is lower than the Score sent by the content, the LMS will accept the completion status but will not mark it.

Deleting a Mastery Score of the Content Object at the Item level does not remove the relationship. The Mastery Score if not required, such as if the content is not configured to send a score, should be removed from both the Item level and the Content Object level.

Launch MethodWhen content is launched, it starts to look for a "handshake" to begin the API communication and then for the LMS to know how to process the information.If the Content Object that was uploaded is configured to be SCORM 1.2 but the content is communicating with the SCORM 2004 4th Edition standard, API communication will not initialize.
Use AICC WrapperThis is to be used with "static" type content that can be rendered inside of a browser. The type of static content would be something like a PDF file. that cannot send it's own completion. The wrapper would be needed to then have the user acknowledge that they read the document and the AICC wrapper send the completion information.Misconfiguration could be done where a SCORM 1.2 content is then marked to use the AICC Wrapper. This will not make the proper APIs initialize for communication between the content and LMS.

Item Content Settings

Navigate to Learning Activites > Items > Access an Item Record and go to the Online Content tab. Click the Gear icon for the settings and make sure to cycle through the tabs in this window.

These do not directly impact on how the content communicates back the information to Learning but some setting which might impact why completion might not be seen if the content is sending the correct data.

SettingWhat It DoesPossible Issues
Add to History on Completion of All ContentThe Item Completion will only be given if all Content Objects have their own individual completion.If one out of 4 Content Object associated to the Item is not developed to send Completion, Score, Mastery Score mismatch (see below), then the user will not get completion for the Item.
Complete Content on LaunchThis is for use with "static" content that does not need to use the AICC Wrapper. As soon as the user clicks on the Content Object to launch it, they will be given completion.This setting is not recommended be used with content that sends data. An example of this is a SCORM 1.2 content is configured to send completion data. The user launches the Content Object and is marked as complete right away for the Item as they only had to complete one Content Object. The user continues to navigate through the content and decides to stop halfway so when the user closes out of the content, normally a value of "incomplete" is sent via the content API to LMS. The user will now have the Item marked as Complete but running a report such as the Online Item Status Report will show a mismatch in Completion for the Item but the Content Object was not completed.
Add to History on Pass/FailureIf this Content Object has either value set, when the content sends the Failure or Completion information, the Item will then move over to the user's Learning History.This might be an issue if the user should be completing multiple Content Objects and not just one. 
Mastery ScoreThe Mastery Score is inherited from the Content Object level. It should not deviate from the Content Object value. If the Content sends back a Score of 70 and a Completion through the API communication, if the Mastery Score is set to 80 then the LMS will ignore the Completion data. The item will stay in the user's Assigned Items.

An example of how this is an issue if improperly used: The user finishes SCORM content that sent the LMS a value of 70 for the score value. The user at the end was informed that they passed. Upon closing out of the content, they did not get completion. While the content was configured to send a completion to the LMS at 70, the LMS will check the Mastery Score value. If the Mastery Score value is lower than the Score sent by the content, the LMS will accept the completion status but will not mark it.

Deleting a Mastery Score of the Content Object at the Item level does not remove the relationship. The Mastery Score if not required, such as if the content is not configured to send a score, should be removed from both the Item level and the Content Object level.


KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-CNT , Content , LOD-SF-LMS-SER , Config. Consulting & Service Requests , LOD-SF-LMS-PCM , iContent , How To


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