In a Solution Manager without connection to SAP Support Backbone, a syntax error dump occurs in an RDSVASA* program when processing EWA sessions.
The dump is related to a missing INCLUDE report /1CAGTF/IF_LOGFUNC*.
Some examples are listed below:
- Syntax error in program "RDSVASANW_GATEWAY__________004".
INCLUDE report "/1CAGTF/IF_LOGFUNC_000724" not found -
In "RDSVASAEW_R3_R3OP__________062 ", the following syntax errors have occurred:
INCLUDE report "/1CAGTF/IF_LOGFUNC_000743" not found
Even though the Solution Manager is using a current ST-SER Support Package, the dump still occurs after applying the latest file from SAP Note 727998.
SAP Solution Manager 7.2 with no connection to SAP Support Backbone.
RDSVASANW_GATEWAY__________004, /1CAGTF/IF_LOGFUNC_000724, missing include, missing includes, service definitions, 1AGS, NW_GATEWAY, EarlyWatch Alert, Early Watch Alert, EWA, EWAs, Solman, SDCCN, SDCC, no backbone connection to SAP, /1CAGTF/IF_LOGFUNC , KBA , SV-SMG-SER-EWA , EarlyWatch Alert , Problem
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