SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2981565 - Offboarding resignation notifications are not triggered - Onboarding 2.0


You are performing a termination in Offboarding 2.0 and the emails for resignation approval is not being send.


SAP Successfactors Onboarding 2.0

Reproducing the Issue

Initiate Offboarding for an employee.


One of the possible causes for this issue is that the Employer or Employee review steps were skipped. In case the step is skipped, the corresponding notification will not be sent as well.


Make sure that your Offboarding steps are not being skipped.

See Also

Reviewing Offboardee Information as an Employer


offboarding, employee, employer, review, resignation, email, obx, 2.0 , KBA , LOD-SF-OBX , Onboarding 2.0 , LOD-SF-OBX-OFP , Offboarding 2.0 , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding all versions