How to understand determination methods in SAP Cloud for Customer.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Please check the determination method codes of the parties and organizational data in the transaction.
This can be done, for example, via:
- UI WoC Administration → General Settings → Users → Check Party Determination. This function allows to display a summary of involved parties and organizational data determination.
- In transactional UIs' overview section via Adaptation/Personalize a new action "Check Party Determination" to supply a summary of involved parties and organizational data determination can be made visible.
- If desired, a technical trace log for more determination details can be recorded.
See our official blog in the link below (section "What's new 2005") with hints for users.
Please use these features to check the determination method codes for parties and organizational data in case the determination result is not understood.
A) If employee sales data has a main indicator set, system defaults this sales data to the transaction, but still considers an intersection of the account sales data, such as:
- Intersection account sales data and employee main sales data
- Compare match of sales org. + distribution channel + division
- Compare match sales org. + distribution channel
- Compare match sales org.
- Without intersection, system defaults employee sales data: default user’s employee main sales data
B) Without a main indicator in employee sales data, system defaults
- Intersection account sales data and employee sales data *
- Compare match of sales org. + distribution channel + division
- Compare match sales org. + distribution channel
- Compare match sales org.
- Without intersection, system defaults employee sales data: default user’s employee sales data
- Intersection account sales data and sales org of employee assignment (org model): compare sales org. only
- Account sales data only
- Sales org of employee assignment (from org model)
Compare account sales data with the logon employee's sales data.
The value help for the sales org should then show the valid hits.
See Also
Sales Org changed, opportunity, Organisation, Organization , KBA , LOD-CRM-OPP , Opportunity Management , LOD-CRM-ACC , Account , How To