SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2982959 - Restricted User Is Able To Access The Folder


You are not granted access to a folder but still you are able to access it.


 SAP Cloud for Customer.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to Library workcenter.
  2. Navigate to (New)Library view.
  3. Open folder ABC(where ABC is folder name).

Though access to this folder is not granted to you, still you are able to access it.

grant user access.png


You have Unrestricted Read/Write access to (New)Library workcenter view, that is why you are able to access the folder ABC.

Unrestricted access precedes all the other restricted access even at folder level.


If you want to restrict access of a folder to few users, you will have to Restrict Read/Write access using Restriction Rule 99- Define Specific Restrictions where you maintain users for whom want to provide access at business role level. Further at folder level add only employees to whom access is required.

In the Employees tab of folders, employees without access grant will have access only to view, with grant access they can act as administrator of folder.


folder , access , KBA , LOD-CRM-BF-ATT , Attachments , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2008