The error below is occurring in SF connector on Master Data and Org. Assignments replication process in CPI: Problem during invoking SuccessFactors Web service. SOAP faultCode ns2:Server, faultString SFAPI Domain Error!, errorCode INTERNAL_ERROR, errorMessage: Internal error. Please contact support., cause: org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapFault: SFAPI Domain Error!
You may also see the following happen in the SFAPI Data Dictionary under the CompoundEmployee object / entity:
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
- Compound Employee API
- Replicating Employee Master Data and Organizational Assignments from Employee Central to SAP ERP HCM
When checking internal Compound Employee API logs, SF Support will be able to see some other errors like these ones below:
- "ExceptionRootCauseTag=e462adb7b81c29f71400195e3a11739682ca23a8,ExceptionStackTraceTag=4d8956c6f8792b3ea80c8d4a4384b65db8458f93"
- "Fatal exception occurred during data retrieve of employee data. Processing of request is aborted for person IDs [123] Exception: cannot create special field with null value for payComponentField"
- "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: cannot create special field with null value for payComponentField"
The error occurs due to some inconsistencies in EC objects related to Pay Component.
Typically, this is caused by having the Pay Component not active in the data model.
You will need to check and confirm that everything is properly configured within them.
First, check these objects on Admin Center > Configure Object Definitions, confirming if these fields below from the following objects have "Active" status:
- payComponentCode in Non Recurring Payment
- payComponent in One-time Information for Benefit Integration
- payComponent in Recurring Information for Benefit Integration
- payComponentType in OneTimeDeduction
- payComponentType in RecurringDeductionItem
After that, please go to Manage Business Configuration and confirm if the field "Pay Component Type" on payComponentRecurring HRIS element is enabled.
If any of these fields aren't active/enabled, please enable them as this should solve the issue.
After any changes performed in these objects, please perform an OData API Metadata Refresh in your instance so the changes can reflect to the API (2171588 - OData API Metadata Refresh and Export - SuccessFactors Cloud).
replication, employee data, org assignment, successfactors, sf, api, compound employee, sfapi, compoundemployee, cpi, hci, domain error, internal error, 500, server error , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-CPI-ERP , Standard SF to SAP ERP or S/4HANA Integration using CPI , LOD-SF-INT-API , API & Adhoc API Framework , LOD-SF-INT-CE , Compound Employee API , Problem