Test plan was executed with default variants provided by SAP and the execution failed.
Error message in the screenshot may look like below:
No hits were found for the material you entered...
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
Reproducing the Issue
- Open 'Manage Your Solution'
- Choose 'Test Your Processes'
- Choose the test plan to be executed
- Execute
SAP delivers Standard Test Automates (also known as Scope Items or Best Practices Documents) as templates with sample demo data. You can use these automates by copying or adapting them and create test plans using data variants based on the master data and org data that is relevant to your organization.
2129147 - Test Automation Tool for SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition - Additional Info
Please refer to online help Work with the Variants Tab to adjust the variants based on the master data and org data that is relevant to your organization. Then execute the test plan by 'Execute with variants' and choose the Data Variants in need.
See Also
Test your processes, manage test processes, test plan, variant, test automation tool, sample data , KBA , CA-CTT-S4C , CTT-Customer Test Tool, S4C-START for S/4HANA CE , Problem