When clicking on a tab in a WDA application, the previous ones are hidden and the user has to perform one additional click to come back to first menu.
Menus are shifted, and the first ones are not visible anymore.
- Web Dynpro ABAP
- ABAP PLATFORM 1809 - Application Server ABAP (SAP_UI 7.53)
- ABAP PLATFORM 1909 - Application Server ABAP (SAP_UI 7.54)
- ABAP PLATFORM 2020 - Application Server ABAP (SAP_UI 7.55)
Web Dynpro, Webdynpro, Web Dynpro ABAP, WDA, WDA_GDPR, navigation, tab navigation, item tab navigation, menus are shifted, disappeared tabs, disappearing tab, navigation problem, first menu not visible, first menu disappears, Navigation, Registerkartennavigation, Elementregisterkartennavigation, Menüs werden verschoben, verschwundene Registerkarten, Navigationsproblem, erstes Menü nicht sichtbar, erstes Menü verschwindet , KBA , BC-WD-ABA-REN , Rendering , BC-WD-ABA , Web Dynpro ABAP , BC-WD-ABA-RUN , Web Dynpro ABAP Runtime , BC-WD-ABA-GEN , Generation , Problem
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