- How to visualise the workflow of a ChaRM document, including its status changes, available actions, and background executed actions?
- How to identify the PPF actions, SOCM actions, and SOCM Consistency checks related to a ChaRM document user status change?
- How to easily identify SOCM actions and consistency checks which are executed when a ChaRM document changes status?
- How to easily identify background ChaRM actions linked to a document status change?
SAP Solution Manager 7.2 SP05 and newer
SAP Solution Manager 7.2
SolMan, ChaRM, visualize, overview, called action profile, SPPFCADM, CM_ADM_PROC_VIS, Identify, PPF actions, SOCM actions, SOCM consistency checks , KBA , SV-SMG-CM , Change Request Management , How To
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