With the 2008 release, some incompatible changes are being delivered for users working with offline functionality in Extended Apps
Users are recommended to use 2008 app to connect to the 2008 system
• As in every release, perform the initial data sync in the 2011 app to fetch the latest offline functionality or else you can’t create or edit offline objects.
• In case you use the 2008 app with the 2011 system, the data download will be blocked, but you can still work and upload offline changes based on the 2008 code.
• Usage of the 2011 App with the 2008 system won’t be supported.
In a gist, user’s needs to have same release app as backend tenant to work in offline mode. This limitation will continue until further notice from Offline side.
KBA , offline functionality , 2011 app , offline feature , 2011 offline , working with offline functionality , AP-RC-MOB-OFL-RT , Offline Runtime , Product Enhancement