ERP Message: Error calculating direct rate, rate type 001 (ext.sys. XXXX) when you request Exchange Rate from SAP C4C to SAP ERP.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Administrator workcenter.
- Click on Exchange Rate Request.
- Schedule a New Exchange Rate Request.
- The Exchange Rate Code is missing in the external system; OR
- The Exchange Rate Code is missing code list mapping in C4C.
For Cause 1:
- In ERP, open the Transaction Code OB07 on your SAP ERP.
- Validate if the Exchange Rate Code is correctly set on the table.
For Cause 2:
- In SAP Cloud for Customer ,open Business Configuration activity "Code List Mapping for Integration with External Applications and Solutions".
- Search for "ExchangeRateTypeCode".
- Check if the corresponding Exchange Rate Code is correctly maintained.
See Also
Error calculating direct rate
Exchange Rate Request Error , KBA , LOD-CRM-INT-ERP , Integration of C4C with ERP , BC-SRV-BSF-CUR , Currency translation / Expiring currencies , How To
SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2008