ERROR 2020-11-08 16:22:51.075 (root/sapinst) (startInstallation) [CInstallerCallBackImpl.cpp:260] id=ind-rel.ind-os.ind-db.assertionFailed errno=CJS-00030 CInstallerCallBackImpl::abortInstallation()
Assertion failed: Unable to install the database software. Refer to trace file sapinst_dev.log for further information. The ASE installer terminated with return code 1. Output of the installer is:
Unrecognized option: --add-opens
[Last 4000 events in the event buffer]
<thread> <time> <id> <description>
22950 0.00 0x00000002 Loaded shared library /sybase/POD/sapinst/tmp/install.dir.22601/Linux/resource/jre/lib/amd64/ successfully
22950 0.00 0x00000001 Loaded shared library /sybase/POD/sapinst/tmp/install.dir.22601/Linux/resource/jre/lib/amd64/ successfully
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit. You may check the ASE installer log files in folder /sybase/POD/log for details.
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JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS, CR#823481, CR823481, 823481 , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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