You are assigned an approval task for sales order, but you are not able to see this task in Open Tasks view in Inbox.
SAP Business ByDesign all versions
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Home work center.
- Go to the Inbox view.
- Show Open Tasks, you are not able to find any approval tasks for sales orders. While you can see the approval tasks for Purchase Order.
- Go to the Manage My Area work center.
- Go to the Approvals view.
- You can see the assigned task:"Approve Sales Order ABC*" (ABC represnts the sales order ID)
You are wondering why the approval tasks for sales order are not visible in Inbox.
Currently the Approval Tasks of the CRM documents including sales order, sales quote, customer contract etc. are not visible in Inbox, the Approval Tasks are visible in Manage My Area - Approvals view.
This is the designed behavior in current releases.
You may submit the new feature request in the Influence.
SAP Business ByDesign Influence:
Approval Task; Inbox; appear; visible , KBA , SRD-CRM-ORD , Orders & Contracts , Problem